4 Conditions That Can Be Treated With Acupuncture
October 2, 2019

Acupuncture is an alternative form of medicine that consists of inserting thin, disposable needles into the skin. These needles are inserted into specific parts of the body in order to treat different conditions, relieve people of pain, or simply induce relaxation.

You can benefit from an acupuncture treatment if you suffer from or deal with any of these 5 conditions:

If you suffer from any sort of physical pain ranging from neck tension and lower back pains to headaches and migraines, acupuncture can help you. The needles from the treatment will help to relax the muscles and get it to function as intended, which in turn relieves pain.

Acupuncture aims to create harmony within the body. This means that by restoring energy flow and functionality, acupuncture creates an overall healthier body. This in turn affects the immune system and lessens the symptoms of allergies. Whether you suffer from seasonal allergies or year round allergies, acupuncture can help restore harmony to your body and calm your immune system’s reaction to allergies.

Mental Health
As previously mentioned, acupuncture aims to restore harmony in the body. When the body is in its optimal state,the mind is also affected. This is extremely useful to treating mental health issues such as anxiety or insomnia as it helps people feel relaxed and relieved of stress. Acupuncture practitioners will specifically target stress-relieving points throughout the body (often found in the ear) that will trigger calmness in a person.

For some women, it can be very difficult to get pregnant. Acupuncture helps raise chances of fertility or boost effectiveness of intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in-vitro-fertilization (IVF) by restoring balance to the body. Acupuncture will rebalance everything from your metabolism and circulation to the hormones necessary for pregnancy. If a man is experiencing sperm problems, acupuncture can also help re-balance them in order to increase likeliness of pregnancy.

Your body is a puzzle of many different systems. It is essential to keep all of these different systems healthy so that the overall puzzle remains intact. Acupuncture can help restore and manage balance in your body, which then helps treat painful or unpleasant conditions.

If you are interested in learning more about acupuncture treatment, call Revitamax today at 416 360 8326 or book an appointment through our website.