Can A Chiropractor Help Treat Sciatica?
August 5, 2019

Sciatica is a condition that is caused by problems with the sciatic nerve—the nerve that runs from the lower back down the back of each leg. When this nerve is injured or has too much pressure on it, it causes the pain that is referred to as Sciatica. Sciatica pain presents itself as pain in the lower back to buttock region, varying in intensity and frequency.

The most common causes of Sciatica are:

  • Lumbar disc herniation
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Piriformis syndrome
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • Sacroiliac joint dysfunction


Symptoms of Sciatica include numbness, tingling, burning, and weakness around nerve area.

Thankfully, this bothersome and uncomfortable condition can be easily treated. Although every individual’s condition is different, yoga, stretching, and certain exercises have been proven to be very effective in treating Sciatica.

The most effective and successful method of treating Sciatica however is by receiving a chiropractic adjustment. By visiting a chiropractor, your body will be adjusted to cause you less pain and your chiropractor will also determine if surgery is required for your condition.

If you are experiencing sciatic symptoms, the best thing to do is to visit your chiropractor. If you’re in need of expert chiropractor services, contact Revitamax today at 416 360 8326 or book an appointment through our website.