Compression Stockings
Energize Your Legs. Discover the comfort and support of compression stockings, designed to relieve leg fatigue, improve circulation, and enhance well-being

Compression stockings are snug-fitting, stretchy socks that are specially made for your legs. They are typically used to improve blood flow, reduce swelling in the legs, relieve tired and achy legs and help prevent certain blood circulation-related disorders. They can also be used in sports to help improve performance. They work by gently squeezing your legs or arms to compress the surface veins, arteries and muscles to help our blood vessels work better. Whether you’re suffering from swelling, heaviness and/or aching in your legs, varicose veins, or spider veins, our team is able to help you by customizing a pair of compression stockings that match your needs and preferences.
Compression stockings come in a variety of different sizes, strengths, colours and styles to choose from. They are typically used for legs, however, there are types that can be used for your arms as well. The most common lengths of compression stockings are knee-high, thigh-high and pantyhose. Compression stockings can be purchased over the counter at our clinic, but your insurance company may cover the cost if they are prescribed by a physician. Ask one of our practitioners if compression stockings might be right for you.
Who might benefit from the use of compression stockings?
People with or at risk for circulation problems including varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis or diabetes
Venous insufficiency
People who’ve just had surgery
Those who can’t leave their bed or have a hard time moving their legs
Ulcers in the lower legs
People who stand all day at work
Tired and achy legs
Women during pregnancy
People who are sitting for prolonged periods of the day
People going on long trips, such as a long car ride or a long flight