How To Relieve Knee Osteoarthritis Pain
October 10, 2019

Arthritis in the knee is also known as osteoarthritis, the type of arthritis that occurs due to the wear and tear of a joint overtime. Osteoarthritis occurs overtime as the normally healthy joint surrounded by cartilage and lubrication eventually begins to deteriorate overtime. When this happens, the bone surfaces of the knee rub together causing the pain known as osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. If you begin feeling symptoms such as discomfort and stiffness, pain after being active, loss of flexibility, swelling, “locking” or “buckling”, or sudden stabbing pain, visit your chiropractor.

Some treatments that can relieve pain of knee osteoarthritis include:
• Gentle, low resistance exercise such as swimming, walking, or slow cycling.
• Supportive devices such as a cane or knee brace
• Application of heating or cooling pads
• Over the counter pain-relief medication
• Joint lubrications that can be preformed by your doctor
• Surgery if the condition gets too bad

Supportive devices known as compression socks/stockings can be very effective at reducing and managing knee osteoarthritis pain. The pressure from the compression stocking will reduce swelling and associated osteoarthritis stiffness and pain.

Find help for your knee osteoarthritis pain by visiting an expert chiropractor in Etobicoke. At Revitamax, we offer compression socks/ stockings that can help you manage your knee osteoarthritis as well as any other forms of arthritis that you may be dealing with. Chiropractic treatment can also help manage the chronic pain of this condition as well as work to restore the function of the knee joint.

If you are interested in expert chiropractic service, or compression socks/stockings call Revitamax today at 416 360 8326 or book an appointment through our website.