Neck pain is a common experience caused by many things such as osteoarthritis, herniated discs, mental and physical stress/strain, poor posture etc. There many different home-remedies people tend to use to ease their pain however, to truly minimize the pain, determining the location and type of pain experienced holds great importance. The neck pain task force proposes a new conceptual model for identifying, caring, and managing neck pain caused by differing reasons. This model separates neck pain into four grades that help narrow down the possible cause of pain via specific criteria that must be met. Grade 1 is classified by neck tightness but no visible signs of decreased function via different tests. Grade 1 is also associated with neck pain that has little to no effect on daily activities. Grade 2 is defined by neck tightness, along with decreased range of motion, limiting daily activities (ROM) or visible signs of decreased function via tests. Grade 3 is often classified by some neurological component such as weakness or numbness in the arm, resulting in pain. Lastly, Grade 4 is normally associated with a pathological source of pain ranging from infections, fractures, cancer etc. Often the treatment can vary from the use of cervical collars, ultrasound therapy, IFC etc., many of which are offered here at Revitamax Rehab & Wellness. To help manage and further prevent neck pain, book an appointment at 416-360-8326 today with our qualified professionals to receive hands on and effective care.
Revitamax Rehab & Wellness
680 Rexdale Blvd, Unit 11, Etobicoke, M9W 0B5
416 360 8326
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