What is Muscle Atrophy?
July 22, 2019

Muscle atrophy is the wasting or loss of muscle tissue. There are three types of muscle atrophy: physiologic, pathologic, and neurogenic.

Physiologic atrophy is the result of not using muscles enough. This type of atrophy can usually be reversed through exercise and nutrition, as it is simply a matter of rebuilding what was lost. People who have seated jobs/ jobs with decreased activity levels, are bedridden, and/or cannot move their limbs due to certain brain diseases are most affected by this kind of atrophy.

Pathologic atrophy takes place in those who are aging, starving, or disease ridden (Crushing disease). Any atrophy that is a result of a disease is therefore considered pathologic atrophy.

Neurogenic atrophy is the most severe type of muscle atrophy. This type of atrophy is a result of injury or diseased nerve connection to muscle. It usually appears more suddenly than other types of atrophy.

Muscle atrophy can also be caused by:

  • Burns
  • Malnutrition
  • Muscular dystrophy and other diseases of the muscle
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Alcohol-associated myopathy (pain and weakness in muscles due to excessive drinking over time)

Muscle atrophy of any type causes loss of movement or strength of muscles. Treatment of this is dependent on the severity of muscle loss and potential underlying conditions. Most treatments include:

  • Exercise
  • Physical therapy
  • Electrical Stimlulation
  • Ultrasound therapy
  • Surgery (in extreme cases)
  • Dietary changes

If you have muscle atrophy or suspect that you have muscle atrophy, speak to a doctor, chiropractor or physiotherapist. With the proper treatment plan, you can improve muscle atrophy and work to get your muscles working as best as they possibly can. For assistance from a healthcare expert in Etobicoke and Rexdale, call Revitamax Rehab and Wellness at 416 360 8326 or book an appointment through our website.